AvSec: Screening of In-Flight Supplies
Master In-Flight Supplies Screening with Exclusive Insights! Learn methods for concealing prohibited items and review real-life examples. Understand the acceptance of In-Flight supplies, including exceptions for regulated suppliers, and explore various inspection methods along with their strengths and weaknesses. Gain practical knowledge on actions to take when prohibited items are found during inspections. Familiarize yourself with the legal regulations governing In-Flight supply security, protection, and transportation requirements for inspected supplies. Gain valuable insights into how human behavior and response impact the effectiveness of aviation security.
- Format: Classroom
- Practice: Yes (Available on request)
- Language: LT, EN
Initial course: 3h 15min
Recurrent: 3h (minimum)
Practice duration: 1h + 40h
Certificate valid for 24 months. - Standard group size: 1-14